Our Work
Activity history
What we did in 2022
January | 某医療施設におけるがんオープンキャンパスでストーマ絵本50部を配布 |
February | 「医療者に知ってほしいストーマと共に生きること ~実態調査の自由記載からみえるストーマ保有者の声~」を発表(第39回JSSCR) |
May | 阪神がんカンファレンスでストーマ絵本と第2回実態調査報告書を配布 |
June | 第3回実態調査の準備 |
July | 実態調査に向け、寄付金募集をホームページで公開 |
December | 第3回実態調査15000枚を配布、およびWEB調査を実施 |
What we did in 2021
June | 株式会社共和のWEB情報誌skinixに「第2回ストーマ保有者の困った経験の実態調査報告書 2020年度版」を紹介 |
July | 第2回ストーマ保有者の困った経験の実態調査報告書 2020年度版ホームページ掲載 |
英語版ホームページ公開 | |
Differences in difficulties experienced on ostomy patients by 2 questionnaire surveys in Japanを発表(第9回APETNA) | |
WOCN activities aimed at a society catering to ostomatesを発表(第9回APETNA) | |
October | 感染予防対策のリーフレット掲載 |
November | JOA鳥取県支部へ第2回ストーマ保有者の実態調査報告書提供 |
日本創傷・オストミー・失禁管理学会誌に論文掲載 「ストーマ保有者のストーマ用品費用の自己負担額と負担感に関する要因の分析」 https://doi.org/10.32201/jpnwocm.25.3_566 |
Others | 第2回ストーマ保有者の困った経験の実態調査報告書 2020年度版 まとめ |
第3回ストーマ保有者の困った経験の実態調査準備 |
What we did in 2020
February | Presented ”Influential Factors of Stoma Users that “Can’t Use the Public Bath Anymore” — From the Factual Survey on Stoma Users —” (37th JSSCR) |
April | Received the 9th Sugiura Medical Award Activities for a society where stoma users can live happily — Changing ignorance to smiles — |
What we did in 2019
January | Hosted the 2nd SIUP Forum The Second Report on the Factual Surveys |
February | Revised the Articles of Incorporation/ Financial Statements Closed the Twitter account |
April | Promoted the onsen tour for ostomates |
May | Released on Almedia WEB, a website that provides medical care information, the article supervised by SIUP “Basics for attending and caring for dementia patients with stoma” |
June | SIUP’s factual research data published in article “Cancer Great Power Japan Colon Cancer” in The Mainichi Shimbun |
September | ![]() |
October | Approved use of leaflet “Preparing for disasters” in a stoma appliance agent in Gunma prefecture |
November | Promoted the onsen tour for ostomates |
Others | Analysis and proofread for creating the 2nd report on the factual survey |
5 advisory services |
What we did in 2018
January - | Aggregation and arrangement of data from the factual survey |
March | Article for Medical News by Kyodo Press “Factual Research on problems stoma users experience” by SIUP are published in 13 newspapers |
May | Provided stoma care illustration to Disaster Risk Management Department of Chita City Hall in Aichi prefecture. |
June | Released information on the 2nd SIUP Forum on SIUP website |
September | Start Facebook page |
October | Disclosed the Articles of Incorporation and Financial Statements Presentation of “What is Stoma” in the 2nd World Ostomy Day |
November | Published announcement for SIUM Forum on Expert Nurse/ Almedia WEB |
December | Recitation of Stoma Story Book in Medical Beauty Christmas Festa 2018 by CAN net foundation. Provided Stoma Story Book and leaflets. Renewed the Website |
1 advisory service |
What we did in 2017
April | 2nd Factual Research on Problems Stoma Patients Experiences |
June | Report on factual research of problems stoma users experience used in JOA Gifu Branch Meeting |
Leaflet “Preparing for Disasters” published in Association of young women with ostomy’s brochure | |
August | Published “What to do when you have trouble with stoma? (Introduction to Ostomy outpatient services)” in the leaflets on stoma users’ life tips and episodes |
October | “Factual Research via Questionnaire Survey on Problems Gastrointestinal Stoma Patients Experience and To Whom They Consult With” published in Journal for Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Management →See here for detail |
4 advisory services |
What we did in 2016
January | Added in the leaflets on stoma users’ life tips and episodes “To enjoy your life more” article about “Preparing for disasters.” Reintroduce ”SIUP |
April | Add to website the database on problems stoma users experience. |
April 20 | In response to the Kumamoto Earthquake, Published animation on website top page asking understanding and cooperation to stoma users |
November | Reorganized as Non-profit Organization Stoma Image Up Project |
3 advisory services |
What we did in 2015
January | Hosted the 1st SIUP Forum Completed “Stoma Story Book” and “Report on the Factual Research on Problems Stoma Users Experience”. |
March | Released the “Report on the Factual Research on Problems Stoma Patients Experiences” on website Released announcement to send “Stoma Story Book” and “Report on the Factual Research on Problems Stoma Patients Experiences” upon request. |
April | Sent “Stoma Story Book” and “Report on the Factual Research on Problems Stoma Patients Experiences” to cancer centers. |
Present “Stoma Story Book” and “Report on the Factual Research on Problems Stoma Patients Experiences” to following facilities and institutions:
May | Advisory service provided to an organization |
October | Exhibited “Stoma Story Book” and “Report on the Factual Research on Problems Stoma Patients Experiences” at Blue Ribbon campaign for awareness raising for colon cancer patients |
What we did in 2014
January | Participation a new powerful member |
February | Advisory service provided to a corporate Published a column on newspaper about stoma care |
May | Announced the creation of "Database on Difficulties Stoma Users Have in Daily Life and Their Countermeasures” conducted under the grant of Alcare Technology and Research Grant of 2013 (in the 23rd JWOCM) |
June - December | Meetings with scriptwriter, designer, printer for publishing “Stoma Story Book” and “Report on the Factual Research on Problems Stoma Patients Experiences” 3 advisory services |
What we did in 2013
May | Published in stoma explanation illustration collection “To enjoy your life more - Stoma users and pregnancy”. |
Presentation of “Factual Research on Consultation Stoma Product Manufacturers Receive from stoma Users and How They Answer to Them” (in the 23rd JWOCM) | |
“Creation of Database on Difficulties Stoma Users Have in Daily Life and Their Countermeasures” receives the Alcare Technology and Research Grant for 2013 in Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Management | |
September | Started the project to create reading materials for stoma care Start preparation for SIUP forum |
November | Provided article for JOA Magazine Vol. 262 November editions Applied for grant from a foundation (not approved) |
What we did in 2012
February | Presentation of “Factual Research on Problems Gastrointestinal Stoma Patients Experience and the Contents of Consultations” the 29th JSSCR |
June | Hosted the 5th SIUP Seminar with 35 participants “Must see for WOC nurses! Knowledge on statistics and utilization of Excel — How to make the most out of Excel —” |
October | Published in stoma explanation illustration collection “To enjoy your life more - What is this mark?” |
November | Hosted the 6th SIUP Seminar with 24 participants “I got it! Data management skills for WOC nurse — Learning to utilizing Excel through dialogue —” |
Others | Analysis on the factual survey on manufacturers’ responses to problems stoma users experience Analysis on the factual survey on manufacturers’ responses to problems stoma users experience 4 advisory services |
What we did in 2011
February | Published in stoma explanation illustration collection “To enjoy your life more - A favorite bathroom will help” Survey on problems stoma users experience |
March | Published in stoma explanation illustration collection “To enjoy your life more - Encounter with an ostomate” Published on the Website message asking for understanding towards stoma users during the East Japan Great Earthquake |
May | Presentation on the Effects of Awareness Raising Leaflets for Non-Medical People “What we want you to know about stoma” (the 20th JWOCM) |
October | Report on SIUP’s activities in Japan Ostomy Association Osaka Branch Work Group Start Twitter ”SIPU no hitorigoto (SIUP’s murmuring)” |
December | Publish ”What people think about Stoma:True? False!” on the website |
What we did in 2010
February | Presentation on the Usefulness of Awareness Raising Leaflets for Non-Medical People “What we want you to know about stoma” and “To whom I worried” (the 27th JSSCR) Published in stoma explanation illustration collection “To enjoy your life more - Yoshiko-san goes overseas” |
May | Presentation of “Factual Research on Resuming Oral Food Intake after Stoma Creation and its Effects” (19th JWOCM) |
June | “Factual Research on Problems Gastrointestinal Stoma Patients Experience and the Contents of Consultations” approved for grant from Japan Stoma Appliances Association |
October | Published in stoma explanation illustration collection “To enjoy your life more - Enjoy a lively and active holiday” |
November | Approved for Japan Stoma Appliances Association research grant |
February/ August | 2nd/ 3rd SIUP Seminar |
December | SIUP Seminar introduced in ”Expert Nurse,” a monthly magazine for nurse |
May - September | Survey on stoma awareness raising leaflet conducted targeted at students |
December | Publish article “Effectiveness of exclusive care by WOC nurse to answer to stoma users’ problems in daily life and requirements for social acknowledgement” (JWOC Journal Vol. 14 (2)) |
What we did in 2009
2月 | ストーマオリエンテーションモデル「しぃあっぷ君」発売 →詳しくはこちら 第26回 日本ストーマ・排泄リハビリテーション学会総会で「医療従事者における ストーマケアに関する知識の実態」を発表 |
5月 | 第18回日本創傷・オストミー・失禁ケア研究会で「一般社会におけるストーマの知識についての実態調査」を発表 |
6月 | ストーマ保有者をテーマにした大阪芸術大学卒業制作「あんたの家」の一般公開 日本オストミー協会兵庫県支部総会でSIUP活動報告 |
11月 | ストーマ解説イラスト集『人生をもっと楽しむために』“ストーマからの排泄の方法”掲載 |
What we did in 2008
1月 | メディカ出版「消化器外科ナーシング」から、私たちの日々の活動やSIUPの今後の展望についての取材 |
2月 | 第25回 日本ストーマ・排泄リハビリテーション学会総会に参加しました。 2008年度 島津科学技術振興財団より「ストーマ保有者における一般社会・医療従事者・家族に対するストーマ認知に関するニーズの数量化」の申請認可 |
5月 | 第17回 WOC研究会に参加 「消化器外科ナーシング」5月号にSIUPの記事が掲載されました。 |
6月 | 第17回 Bienneal Congress of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists ”Social activities to expand correct acknowledgment about stoma in Japan”を発表 |
8月 | ストーマ保有者を題材にした映画「あんたの家」(大学の卒業制作)の医療技術サポート →詳しくはこちら |
What we did in 2007
2月 | 関連学会で演題発表:日本ストーマ・排泄リハビリテーション学会にて、SIUP活動の報告を行いました。多くの看護師や医師から賛同をいただきました。 日本オストミー協会(JOA)を訪問:SIUPの活動趣旨を説明し、賛同を得ました。 新聞で広報:朝日新聞(大阪版・2月18日発刊)のにSIUPに関する記事が掲載されました。 |
9月 | ホームページの開設:SIUPのホームページを立ち上げました。 |
10月 | 2008年度 大阪コミュニティ財団より「一般社会におけるストーマの正しい認知促進のためのリーフレット作成」の申請認可 |
What we did in 2006
4月~5月 | ストーマ保有者に広報活動に関してアンケート調査を実施:ストーマ保有者の方々が、マスメディアによるストーマの
その結果、ストーマ保有者から この活動に関して賛同が得られました。 4月 ラジオを通じでイメージアップ活動:ラジオ大阪「むっちゃ健康」で、「ストーマとストーマ保有者 の日常生活」について解説をしました。 |
7月 | 行政に協力の依頼:京都市保険福祉部を訪問し、SIUPとの活動協力を陳情し同意を得ました。 今後、市の広報誌などでストーマに関する記事を掲載することを約束しました。 |
8月 | 参議院議員会館に陳情に行ってきました:ストーマに関する正しい情報提供を国がイニシアチブ をとり全国レベルで展開していただけるように参議院議員・厚生労働省担当者へ陳情しました。 21名の参議院議員の方々に私たちの訴えを聞いていただき、賛同と励ましの言葉をいただきました。 |